Well hello again internet, you’re looking good today
I thought I would share a little bit about a project I’m working on. Since moving my blog over to Grails and Jelastic I’ve been making small and incremental changes. One of those recent changes brought about the beginnings of a Grails plugin for the SmugMug API. It’s not all the impressive yet, but I am now able to copy and paste an image url into the content of my posts and have it display that image inline with a link to the original. Once I have the rest of the API covered I’ll be releasing the plugin for the whole Grails community to use.
The Fae Portal
I took this shot last Sunday at the Fort Worth Water Gardens in, of all places, Fort Worth, TX. If you haven’t already noticed, this is the same fountain they used in the final scenes of Logan’s Run. I loved how the blue and purple reflected light changed the whole feel of the scene. I have a few other shots from the walk and I’ll probably share them over the next couple of days or weeks. For now, enjoy the photo!